My Three Ingredient Lucky Charms Ice Cream Bread Recipe is the most magical bread you can make! If you are looking for a bread recipe that doesn’t require special skills and no kneading, this fun Ice Cream Bread is exactly it. This Lucky Charms bread is great for St. Patrick’s Day or any time of year!
- 2 cups of vanilla ice cream (full-fat ice cream)
- 1.5 cups of self-rising flour
- 1-2 cups of Lucky Charms marshmallows
Other Supplies Needed:
- 8.5″x4.5″ bread loaf pan (anything from 8×4-9×5 will work)
- Non-Stick spray
- Preheat oven to 350°
- Prepare a loaf pan with non-stick spray
- Combine melted ice cream with self-rising flower
- Pour the batter into the loaf pan
- Top with marshmallows
- Bake for 40 minutes
- Allow the bread to cool completely before removing it from the loaf pan
- Cut into thick slices and enjoy!
enjoy with Lucky Charms Ice Cream Bread